Friday, March 29, 2024

RED and other things

Check out the trailer for my upcoming piece, RED. Won't be dropped until later next month but you can enjoy this little visual collage for now. It contains audio from my release, slow dance with death.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

wev - 2/1 @ elsewhere hall

Loving this mix today, give it a spin. Keep your ears out for the Cowboy Beebop edit, yummy stuff. Word up to protoqueen for the suggestion! Going down the rabbit hole today with video editing and maybe piecing together some words for a deep dive on active listening. Also lot's of cleaning and prep to do before the stream on Saturday, be there.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

mar 2024

Might try and do a deep dive on active listening at some point. For now though I'm just going to put it out there that taking the time to intently listen to anything, not just music, will make a difference in how you process it. These monthly playlists I've been throwing together are the after math of some active listening sessions I've had with the random drops on my Soundcloud feed. It's been a great way to not only open my ears up to interesting production choices but also a reminder that musical standards are bogus. Sometimes the best tracks are still in their technical amateur phase of their recordings process, yet something about that unrefined quality can give a track an edge or unique brilliance.

I've come across this not just in strange electronic music productions but also in recorded analog music as well. As a kid I remember hearing a track by a punk group called The Unseen on a compilation that I became hyper focused on. It had a lot of qualities that make punk songs really good - cringe lyrics delivered with passion, simplistic but catchy riffs, ferocious percussion, and a chorus to get you hooked. Needless to say I was hyped as fuck for the album to come out only to hear the finished, polished track and be sorely disappointed. The song was dead, punk was dead.

Well, actually maybe punk is more alive than ever today. Again, more on that later. Pretty exciting, lots to talk about. If you have ever had the experience I've had with music production / process standards, feel free to drop the story in the comments.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024



Next month is going to be a whirlwind of work so I need to get started on spreading the word about this at least. I was lucky enough to be chosen to be a part of BOOM this year. It's a really cool festival run by artists for artists. As you can imagine it's going to be a wild weekend full of crazy stuff. I'll be have an installation at the festival that should be open and running the whole weekend. It's going to be an audio/visual piece exploring Arthur Schopenhauer's observation that nature is "red in tooth and claw." I'm excited to work on this because it'll be my first official video piece for hiroshi jaguar.

Anyone who is in the Charlotte area, this Thursday there is going to be a launch party / open mic for BOOM, feel free to come hang

Yesterday was my first day back on the music blog grind. Feel free to follow me on those adventures here and here. Lot's of great discoveries already. It's a pretty incredible time to be an artist. Conflict demands the best from us, maybe today's conflicts will inspire artists everywhere to show up with their best work. I'll elaborate on that more maybe later. Any creators who actually read this post, feel free to drop your link to your work in the comments.

4batz - act ii: date @ 8 (Jstxyn Remix)

Monday, March 25, 2024

2024 and beyond


(th3 s0nic jungl3 HQ)

My journey with music has been long, laborious, intense, interesting and honestly, kind of painful. However, I still find myself digging through crates, scrolling through random blogs, seeking out up and coming underground artists like it's something that I'm supposed to be doing. It really doesn't make sense, I guess it's not supposed to.

This here post is a small step on that journey. It's a commitment to self and also a little message to anyone who cares or is interested. I'm 35 now and I've seen a whole lot of things. Most of which have come along with some sort of accompanying sound tracking. I've tried this blog thing so many times it seems insane to do it again, but I'm doing it again. Here at th3 s0nic jungl3 I intend to chronicle my musical past, discuss the current musical landscape and hopefully make some sort of influence on the future. 

The biggest difference about this particular venture is that I don't intend on letting anyone in. This next phase of my journey is going to be hermitic (potentially hermetic as well). I've had a really insecure relationship with music, and life as well. I plan to turn the page on that by going inward and becoming the artist I've always wanted to be. It's going to be unapologetic, it's going to be cringe probably, but most importantly it will be fun and it will be somewhat musical.

Here's to my first actual written post on this blog and to the future, whatever it may look like.